شركة اشراقة البسمة ليس فقط اسم انما عالم مليئ بالابداع والفخامة

Ashraqat Albasma Company is not just a name, but a world full of creativity and luxury

مجموعة المجوهرات

A collection of gold and silver jewelry is displayed on a light beige surface, including necklaces, rings, and earrings. A decorative gold bow and dried yellow flowers add a stylish touch to the arrangement, creating a luxurious and elegant aesthetic.
A collection of gold and silver jewelry is displayed on a light beige surface, including necklaces, rings, and earrings. A decorative gold bow and dried yellow flowers add a stylish touch to the arrangement, creating a luxurious and elegant aesthetic.

المجوهرات الذهبية

اكتشف مجموعتنا الرائعة من المجوهرات الذهبية، المصنوعة بإتقان.

A display case filled with various pieces of gold and silver jewelry, including bracelets and necklaces, arranged in an organized fashion under bright lighting.
A display case filled with various pieces of gold and silver jewelry, including bracelets and necklaces, arranged in an organized fashion under bright lighting.
An array of intricately designed gold jewelry, including bangles, a necklace, and earrings, are displayed on a richly embroidered fabric with red and gold patterns. Two jewelry boxes, one brown and the other red, hold some of the pieces, adding a touch of elegance to the presentation. The window in the background offers a blurred view of a cityscape.
An array of intricately designed gold jewelry, including bangles, a necklace, and earrings, are displayed on a richly embroidered fabric with red and gold patterns. Two jewelry boxes, one brown and the other red, hold some of the pieces, adding a touch of elegance to the presentation. The window in the background offers a blurred view of a cityscape.
مجوهرات فضية

قطع فضية أنيقة لكل المناسبات.

جواهر فاخرة

اكتشف الأحجار الكريمة المذهلة التي تأسرك وتلهمك.

اكتشف مجموعتنا الفاخرة من الذهب والفضة بتصميم عصري وفريد من

مجموعة المجوهرات

عالمنا عالم مليئ بالابداع والتصاميم الفخمة

A collection of silver jewelry, including a chunky ring and a thick chain bracelet, is arranged on a glossy, dark surface. The reflective surface creates shimmering highlights and enhances the metallic sheen of the pieces.
A collection of silver jewelry, including a chunky ring and a thick chain bracelet, is arranged on a glossy, dark surface. The reflective surface creates shimmering highlights and enhances the metallic sheen of the pieces.

آراء العملاء

استمع إلى ما يقوله عملاؤنا الراضون عنا.

المجوهرات من اشراقة البسمة رائعة! أتلقى الثناء عليها يومياً.

Sarah Johnson
Two intricately crafted gold bracelets with embedded sparkling gemstones are displayed against a dark background. The bracelets are ornate, with a pattern of square shapes and shimmering surfaces, suggesting luxury and elegance.
Two intricately crafted gold bracelets with embedded sparkling gemstones are displayed against a dark background. The bracelets are ornate, with a pattern of square shapes and shimmering surfaces, suggesting luxury and elegance.


أنا سعيد للغاية بشرائي! الجودة والتصميم استثنائيان.

An assortment of jewelry including pearl-studded necklaces, large hoop earrings with inscriptions, gold chains, and various rings and bracelets arranged on a flat surface. Notable elements include the decorative pieces encrusted with rhinestones and intricate metalwork.
An assortment of jewelry including pearl-studded necklaces, large hoop earrings with inscriptions, gold chains, and various rings and bracelets arranged on a flat surface. Notable elements include the decorative pieces encrusted with rhinestones and intricate metalwork.
Michael Lee

